
Leaf-buds pushing out
into the still-chilly air
birds singing at dawn.

Please click on the thumbnail for a larger picture.


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The vines stretch and grow
threatening to run rampant
we drink with our friends.


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The vineyard and house Red
Plane Vineyard
Vineyard 2 Vineyard 3
3 Vineyard, looking North
Vineyard, looking South Moses



Grapes changing color
sweet and heavy in the heat
basalt reflections.


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The vineyard and house Red
Plane Vineyard



Everything slows now
the vines napping in the cold
snow-white Colockum.


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8 9
10 2
3 3


Videos & Multimedia

The Parallel Winos visit White Heron Cellars
Part one:

Part two:

The Quichua Mashis playing at the 2008 TomatoFare:
(there are a total of eight clips available on YouTube from the 2008 TomatoFare)

Videos from the 2009 TomatoFare begin here (there are five total parts), and Cameron appears in this video from the 2010 TomatoFare West, while videos from the 2010 TomatoFare East can be found here, here, and here.


Duplication of any content of these pages is a violation of the copyright laws of the United States.
Copyright © 2013 White Heron Cellars